
My educational journey – learning to teach!

Take this lollipop…..it’ll open your eyes!

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I just read Kathleen’s blog which reminded me I hadn’t blogged about Take this Lollipop. Take this Lollipop is a program that uses the information you have shared on social media to show you how strangers can access information about you, including photos, your birthdate, places you have checked into and anything else you’ve shared. It certainly made me think twice about what I have posted on Facebook and I’ve made some changes already!

I think it would be a great tool to use in upper primary and high school, from my experience I would say approximately 50% of year 6 students are using Facebook, Kik, Instagram or a similar form of social media.

It certainly provides some food for thought……

One thought on “Take this lollipop…..it’ll open your eyes!

  1. Reblogged this on Bridget Elizabeth and commented:
    This website aligns perfectly with the learning path from a few weeks ago, reminding me of what I have on my Facebook profile for all to see. I was a bit scared when I first saw this website a few years ago, now I find it enjoyable as it showed me a funny photo of myself with a projected reindeer Christmas scene and that is a really funny photo. But seriously, the worst thing that is online is really only my city being revealed, but everything else is perfectly fine for people to see. I don’t have many photos that paint myself or anyone else in a bad light, and my status updates are equally innocent. I do see some people online however that need to reassess their postings, but then again, they are sometimes the most entertaining!

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